Beautiful Greetings,

Own My Wellness is here to help you regain your power and choice in living in a state of peaceful, vibrant health and wellness every single day of your life. What would your life look like if you felt balanced, centered, peaceful, and full of self love and confidence in fully trusting and honoring yourself in every area?

True wellness is a balance of Body, Mind, and Spirit. With the pressures and demands of life, work, family, expectations, stereotypes, and all the noise that surrounds us on a daily basis, it is so easy and common to lose our wellness a little bit at a time. Eventually we hit a wall and realize we have taken on an illness, are exhausted, and definitely far from feeling great.

With my gentle yet powerfully direct approach, I am able to support you in letting go of self imposed limiting beliefs, energetic blockages, unbalanced chakras and energy centers of the body, illness, emotional distress, etc. that is keeping you from living as your best self. Releasing what is no longer needed allows more love, abundance, and gratitude within our self. When we are living from this place of balance, we make more positive choices in our lives, experience better and more fulfilling relationships, feel centered and grounded, and enjoy more gratitude in all things. We do have power and choice in Owning our Wellness regardless of what society, a doctor, our peers, our mind, the media have said or put on us to believe otherwise.

Having been on my own journey discovering where I have been held back by beliefs, fear, energy blocks, or outer circumstances is what gives me the most compassionate understanding for my clients and what they may experience while doing this work. I have been there, I know what it feels like, and I also know what life looks like on the other side. Owning My Wellness has given me power in my choices, power in my abilities, and power in truly honoring myself to create a life that far exceeds my dreams. It is my deepest wish for every single person to be able to proudly proclaim, I Own My Wellness!